Braces For Adults

KDC_Icon_Braces-300x300 Braces For Adults
Subtle treatment, Visible Results

It’s estimated that one third of today’s orthodontic patients are over 18. Treatments typically take longer than those for teenage patients, but still yield great results.

Your smile and the confidence to display it more often is reason enough to explore orthodontic treatment, but the benefits may go much further. In general, straight teeth are healthier teeth – easier to clean, less prone to decay. Correcting misalignments may also help to alleviate other health concerns.

Virtually unnoticeable new alternatives to traditional metal braces known as Invisalign, are further tipping the scales in favor of treatment for adults.

Our office offers a range of treatment options, including:

Metal (traditional) braces

A metal bracket affixed to each tooth, attached to an arch wire with tiny rubber bands (ligatures) or tiny wires. The orthodontist adjusts the arch wire every few weeks to gradually move teeth.

Ceramic Brackets

Ceramic Brackets are tooth-coloured and used with clear ligatures for a much more discreet look. The system is otherwise the same as traditional braces.

Self-Ligating Braces

These use brackets that fasten to the arch wire without ligatures, offering a discreet look and generally requiring fewer adjustment appointments over the course of treatment.


This treatment is not  braces, but a series of custom-molded clear aligners that are virtually invisible when worn.

Visit us today to learn more about what we can offer to meet your unique treatment needs.